Rewind: Luke Solomon on “Snow Borne Sorrow”

Posted: May 3rd, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Features | Tags: , , , , , , | No Comments »

In discussion with Luke Solomon about “Snow Borne Sorrow” by Nine Horses (2005).

How did you come across “Snow Borne Sorrow”? Was it out of a longtime fondness for David Sylvian’s work?

First and foremost, I am a huge fan, probably since the age of 11. “Snow Borne Sorrow” I was actually turned on to by one of my oldest and closest friends. It was only a couple of weeks after release.

Why did you decide to discuss this album, and not another one of his many remarkable records? What makes this so special to you?

There are records and there are records. That’s my philosophy. I’ll elaborate. We all know the classics, there are lists of those everywhere. But I believe in personal classics. This to me, is music that happens along at a poignant time in your life. The stars are aligned, and bang, it’s like a spark, and epiphany. A moment that can be deemed as a marker. “Oh, that was the Snow Borne Sorrow time.” Or something. That was the “Snow Borne Sorrow part” of my life.

How would you describe “Snow Borne Sorrow”, also in comparison to other music Sylvian was involved with?

More than anything, on first listen it was the sound and the maturity of his voice. I listened to it recently on an 8000 pound pair of speakers, and I was blown away by the detail. Incredible. And then there are the songs, the subject matter, the arrangements. I could go on. Read the rest of this entry »

Burnt Friedman & Jaki Liebezeit – Secret Rhythms 2 (Nonplace)

Posted: January 6th, 2006 | Author: | Filed under: Rezensionen | Tags: , , , | No Comments »

Dies ist der Nachfolger des ersten ‘Secret Rhythms’-Albums von 2002 und abermals gelingen Friedman und Liebezeit schöne Exkursionen zwischen Elektronika und Jazz. Liebezeit ist und bleibt ein Ausnahme-Schlagzeuger, der kompakt die vielen melancholischen Klänge zusammenhält, die Friedman aus seinem Archiv beigibt. Die beiden wissen ziemlich genau, wie man die Inhaltstoffe dosiert. So klingen die getragenen Momente nicht tranig und die komplexen Momente nicht verfrickelt. Für diesen winterlichen Flow hätten sie auch keinen geeigneteren Gastsänger finden können als David Sylvian, der auf ‚The Librarian’ ganz der wehmütige Crooner sein darf, der er immer sein sollte. Dieses Album sollte man am besten allein in einem verfallenden Landsitz hören, in dem einzigen Raum der noch beheizt ist.

De:Bug 01/06