Finn Johannsen – Sugar And Spites (

Posted: May 5th, 2005 | Author: | Filed under: Mixes | No Comments »

Let me give you some context here. In 2004 I was located in Berlin for one year. I made my master at university in my hometown before my move, where I was studying German and English/American literature, and I had a focus on movie history. I arrived in Berlin trying to get a hook in film journalism, but apart from writing movie reviews for de:bug magazine it never really took off. Some friends from back home were working for de:bug, and since I was looking for a job they asked if I wanted join in. First I was an editor for their extensive section of reviews, then I started writing my own. I also made friends with other fine and interesting people, and I started to enjoy the Berlin clubs more and more also. In short, I was back in nightlife again. When I moved to Berlin I was ready to stop DJing, and now due to new DJ friends like Hunee, Stefan Goldmann or Gerd Janson I was persuaded and motivated to pick it up again. One of the regular nights that I really enjoyed and went to often was Inner City, a house night Dixon set up at the Weekend club. You have to understand that at that time house music in a more traditional sense was pretty much dead in Berlin, and Inner City put it back on the map. There was a common feeling of resurgence among regular guests like me, and slowly something evolved from it. The most prominent sign was the label Innervisions by Dixon and Âme. The sound of the label was actually a tad too slick for me, but it felt good to be part of something that was gaining momentum and had impact potential. In 2005 Dixon asked me if I could contribute a guest mix for the Innervisions label website, and I recorded this mix for the purpose. In hindsight I already knew that their career would take off soon, and it would have been wiser to do a mix that highlighted my capabilities as a club DJ, but my timing throughout my years as a DJ was mostly more determined by what I was just in the mood for than by what would most likely pay off well (later several of my booking agents were quite desperate about my urge to keep my freedom to do what I felt I should do rather than develop a signature sound that was easier to sell), so I wasted the opportunity and just mixed some personal downtempo and house faves. Is it balearic? I’d say yes, somehow, but who cares.

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